TS000003 EP
Label: Tech Startup
Format: Vinyl and Digital
Release date: 25/7/19
Filter Dread kills it with a more direct, rolling style of junglist breaks and grime tics on the 3rd 12” from Seattle, WA’s Tech Startup
Cut loud and heavy for optimum rave reactions, the four tracks catch Filter Dread sharpening up his mutant definition of UK dance music. Uptown that results in the staccato, Amiga-punctuated breaks and surging chord pads of ‘Rainforest’, and a killer take on West London broken beat, grime and that fucking mental sound in his head on ‘Blizzard’. Downtown, he steps out with the wildly pitching, ricocheting drums of ‘Tripping Up’, and the cold, vacuum-sealed shards of brukken drums in ‘RX 4 Real.’
After impressing with drops from A Psychic Yes and Teo Mattress, the third release on Tech Startup Records comes courtesy of Cambridge’s Filter Dread. TS000003 is a set of ultra-broken beats that nod to grime, hardcore and various other anarchic rave styles. Cuts like ‘Rainforest’ and ‘Blizzard’ recall Special Request at his most mischievous. Elsewhere on TS000003 ‘RX 4 Real’ comes off like a spiritual successor to the legendary Musical Mob riddim ‘Pulse X’.
Shadowy London producer Filter Dread returns from Beyond Saturn with four new futurist designs. This time on Seattle newcomer label Tech Startup. Maintaining his stark ravey elements, pneumatic breaks and grainy bass signature, the vibe remains hardcore, rough around the edges throughout. "Rainforest" is near militant with its drum edits and warped, detuned synth washes while "Blizzard" brings a crush sense of decay to the percussion and much more of a subverted electro feel to the mix. Flip for two more weapons: the gnarled, schizoid "Tripping Up" which touches on breakcore but at a much slower tempo and "RX 4 Real" which taps into the classic hardcore aesthetic and flips more switches than Battersea Power Station.
ブロークンビートとジャングルドラムロール、グライムのハンマーキックをハイブリットさせたビートマジック、集中線を描くサイエンスなシ ンセパッド、これは推薦したいです。〈NO CORNER〉〈RAMP〉からのリリース、そしてカセット諸作もことごとく最高なFILTER DREADのニューEP!
注目しまくっているレーベルの一つシアトルの〈TECH STARTUP〉にFILTER DREADなんて文字だけで生唾なリリースが到着。サイバー空間に誘うシンセを斬るエッジィなビートの「Rainforest」(sample1)から、グライミーなノリを飲み込んだブロークンビーツで攻める「Blizzard」(sample2)など、ビートの壊れっぷりと強度で終わらず、ウワ音のSF的美しさも忘れないその心意気、もう素晴らしいバランス!
鮮烈なジャングル・チューン!A Psychic YesによるニューレーベルTech Startupから、Rampレーベルからも作品をリリースするバーミンガムの注目アーティストFilter Dreadがニュー・シングルをリリース!ジャングルやグライム、ハードコア、IDMなどの要素を溶け込ませたオリジナリティのある音世界が繰り広げられ る強烈な内容!ソリッドかつクールなサウンド構成が素晴らしいシングル!!!