Sensitivity Sound PRG.png

Utop!a presents Double Drop ( London UK )

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United Against Shitty Music
Lizard Club ( Naples Italy )

filter dread lizard club italy.png

Paloma Bar
w/Sneaker Social Club ( Berlin Germany )

paloma bar with low end activist.png

Plastic Den
Cambridge Electronic Dance ( Cambridge UK )

plastic den live show.png

Fresh Fruit
Cambridge Electronic Dance ( Cambridge UK )

Fresh fruit live show.png

Strawberry Fair
Rebel stage ( Cambridge UK )

 strawberry fair flyer 2022.png

Transmute x Soup
Soup Kitchen ( Manchester UK )



South.Wav People's Party
Rialto Theatre ( Brighton UK )

south wave party flyer IMG_4903.png

Keep Hush Live
Grow ( Tottenham, London UK )

KH flyer for filter website.png 

Rebel Arts Stage
Strawberry Fair ( Cambridge UK )

 Strawberry fair 2019.png

Disintergrating Kingdom
Club Umbo ( Zurich )

Zurich club umbo.png

NYE Party
The Grapes ( Cambridge UK )

Grapes NYE set.png

Slump Sounds
Rye wax ( Peckham, London )

Slump spunds rye wax.png

Snake Danse 4
2648 ( Cambridge UK )

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Set ( Dalston, LDN UK )

ATATA set.png

Snake Danse 3
Corner House ( Cambridge UK )


Snake Dance 3 flyer website.png

Secret Forest Rave
Brighton UK

Secter forest rave 2017.png

Quarto Mondo 4
Treviso Italy


Quarto Mondo 4 flyer website.png


Visionist presents Value
Ormside Projects ( London UK )


Visionist Value.png


Interrgeno Festival
Secret Location (Rome Italy)


Interregno GIG.png


Now Cry Later
Volks ( Brighton UK )


Cry Now Cry Later gig 2017.png


Cry Now Cry Later
Mono ( Brighton UK )


cry now cry later flyer.png


ICA ( London UK )


Patten ICA filter dread flyer.png

 The eclectic industrial pop duo will be bringing their brand new AV show to the home of contemporary visual art, ICA.

patten have programmed a mind altering event at London's ICA surrounding their AV show with cutting edge films, live electronic music, DJs and installation. Including a screening of Turner Prize winner Mark Leckey's 'Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore', a DJ set from Local Action boss Tom Lea, Eski and Jungle outsider Filter Dread's heady live show, a 555-5555 collective pop up store and more….

patten (Warp) Live AV
Tom Lea (Local Action) DJ
Filter Dread (Pan x Codes / Ramp / Unknown To The Unknown) Live
rkss (Where To Now / Alien Jams / Conditional Recs) Live

Films by:
Mark Leckey - 'Fiorucci Made Me Hardcore'
Muntean/Rosenblum - 'Disco'
Oliver Laric - 'Versions, 2014-15'

Pop up store / installation:
555-5555 - with specially produced brand new and rare limited edition items

Their visionary live AV system includes hyper-programmed LEDs, lasers and projections, with patten uniquely creating their stunning visual and sonic environment IRL. The HD projections, drum machine hardware, live vocals, oceanic bass and heavy smoke frame their tripped out stage presence, fusing with a hypnotic urgency that connects as much to cutting edge video installation as it does to a mind-altering NeuroSci experiment – all underpinned by futuristic club-primed rhythms. The stage design, visuals and AV system are all envisaged, produced and programmed entirely by 555-5555, patten’s creative collective.

ICA will see them perform their largest London headline to date, bringing their hi-tech, future-facing new AV production to home turf for the first time.

Corsica Studios ( London UK )


Patten AV corsica studios.png


Special news - we can now reveal that following their now-legendary events at Dalston's Powerlunches, 555-5555 will be collaborating with EYOE on the patten Ψ LP launch event at Corsica Studios! 

With a flawless line up of UK underground luminaries and Jane Eastlight's signature visuals thru the night to join future-facing Warp duo patten's new immersive AV show UK debut. Not to be missed!  

patten «Ψ Live AV» UK debut! (Warp Records / 555-5555)

The future-facing Warp duo celebrate Ψ, their new album melding ultra-modern deconstructed club music with Post Punk Industrial, multiple strains of Pop & hi-tech electronics by transforming Corsica Studios with their brand new immersive live AV show. Expect hyper-programmed lasers, drum machine hardware, LEDs, heavy smoke, live vocals, strobing visuals, oceanic bass, & HD projections framing their famed tripped out stage presence. 

Slackk «Live/DJ» (R&S / Local Action / Boxed)

A rare as gold dust raw Live/DJ set from Boxed founder and seminal R&S/Local Action regular Slackk, coming down to spin 100% his own signature prismatic cubist Grime excursions on the CDJ2000s.

Filter Dread «Live» (Pan x Codes / Ramp / Unknown To The Unknown / No Corner)

Fresh off of recent futuro-jungle releases for off-world heavyweights Pan x Codes and Unknown To The Unknown, Brighton-based cryonic rave revisionist Filter Dread goes in with a set of scuffed up hi-tech 3050AD-leaning 90s Hardcore-inspired trax.

Angel Food «DJ» (Coyote / Keysound / Wavey Tones / Radar Radio / The Fader)

The Fader's Aimee Cliff and Keysound mainstay E.M.M.A. join forces as the peerless Angel Food. Fans of their Radar Radio show will know to expect USBs tooled-up with the whole range, going deep across the full spectrum of Club, Grime, Hip-Hop, Pop & RnB.

Jane Eastlight «Enviro» (555-5555)

As well as stage design for their AV show, long time patten collaborator Jane Eastlight provides visuals all night, bringing 555-5555's hallucinogenic tech-noir atmosphere to Corsica for this special one-off Eat Your Own Ears collab.


UTA's Birthday
Paloma Bar ( Berlin Germany )


 UTA birthday flyer.png


Ramp NYE Party
Pump and Grind ( Ipswich UK )


Ramp flyer NYE.png


Norberg Festival
Norberg Sweden




Lost Codes label Showcase
Lunch Meat NEONE ( Prague )


Lost Codes Label Showcase prague flyer.png


Lost Codes X Project 13 MCR
Soup Kitchen ( Manchester UK )


soup kitchen flyer 1.png


Dance Tunnel ( London UK )




Power Lunches ( London UK )




Peng Sound
Bristol UK


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